
关于我/About Me

我是南开大学陈省身数学研究所的一名博士研究生. 我正在学习Higgs丛, 高阶Teichmüller理论与Anosov表示的相关知识. 我的导师是李琼玲老师.

I am a Ph.D student of Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University. I am studying Higgs bundle, higher Teichmüller theory and Anosov representations. My advisor is Qiongling Li.

关于网站/About This Website

Publications and Preprints中是我的已发表论文与预印本.

Blog Posts中是我的一些随笔和学习笔记, 其中随笔多数为平面几何.


Portfolio中是我参与过的活动的照片, 包括参加的演出与学术会议.

Publications and Preprints contains my published paper and preprints.

Blog Posts contains my essays, most of which are about Euclidean geometry, and study notes.

CV contains my resume.

Portfolio contains some of the photos of the activities I have participated in, including performances and academic conferences.


除数学之外, 我还热爱相声, 京剧及古典音乐. 我曾参与过南开大学国乐相声协会与南开大学京剧团的多场相声, 京剧演出, 部分视频可见国乐相声协会的个人空间《借东风》南开大学京剧团2019年演出. 我最喜欢的交响曲是马勒第二交响曲, 最喜欢的版本是Tennstedt & LPO.

Apart from mathematics, I also have a passion for crosstalk, Peking opera, and classical music. I have participated in several crosstalk and Peking opera performances with the Nankai University Guole Crosstalk Club and the Nankai University Peking Opera Club. Some videos can be found in 国乐相声协会的个人空间 and 《借东风》南开大学京剧团2019年演出. My favorite symphony is Mahler’s Symphony No. 2, and my favorite version is Tennstedt & LPO.

本网站的其他部分/Other pages

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